Atchison Cottage Routines

Jiggling Jellyfish Younger Babies Room
8.00am Centre Opens, Free play indoors with Soft Play Equipment. Variety of resources catered to children’s interests

Hand washing/ Toileting/ Nappy change routine

Morning Tea/ Milk offered– ongoing

8.45am Group Programmed Activities to be set up on upper level – fine motor, social /emotional child, inquiring child, communicating childCreative and aesthetic activities to be set up lower level
9.00am All children transition to upper level for Mat Time – Roll call, welcome song, stories, finger puppets.Sunsmart program including applying sunscreen.
9.30am Jellyfish to transition outside for morning outdoor play and physical wellbeing (weather Permitting).If wet remain inside for free play activities
10.15am Children transition to upstairs for Programmed intentional / spontaneous activities set up on upper level –  inquiry, imagination. Construction/Cause and Effect/ puzzles and sorting/classifying resources – experimenting, persistence and problem solving.Books – sensory/exploration/visualCreative and aesthetic activities set up on lower level.
10.30am First group – 1 x sleep per day children will transition to lunch after nappy change and hand washing. Staff to sit with children and encourage self feeding for older children and assist younger babies. Once finished, this group will transition to quiet room for quiet activities. Second group – 2 x sleep children awake from 1st sleep will transition to lunch after nappy change & hand washing.Lunch Time
11.00am First group in quiet room prepare for bottle time and get ready for sleep.
11.20am One staff member will remain with babies who are still feeding. Art work to be organised for the second group – younger babies to do artwork once lunch has been completed.
11.45am Kitchen and bathroom to be cleaned/disinfected.
12-2pm Teacher lunches.
12.50pm First lunch teachers return from lunch.Nappy change and hand washing in preparation for second group babies after Afternoon tea.Babies who are awake will move to the lower level for ongoing Afternoon Tea- Milk offered and any other children who have woken will join afternoon tea -ratios to be maintained.
1.40pm Second lunch Teachers return from lunch.Nappy change and hand washing for first group babies in preparation for Afternoon Tea – Milk offeredTeachers prepare  second group Babies who are going to bed for their afternoon sleep.Bottle Time
2.00pm Mat time and music and movement time upstairs – fairness, confidence, enthusiasm and sense of group.Sunscreen to be applied.
2.30pm Winter/Summer clothing and transition outside – physical wellbeing
3.15pm Transition indoors for nappy change and hand Washing in preparation for Supper. Teachers to sit with children and encourage self feeding for older children and assist younger babies.
4.00pm programmed Intentional/spontaneous activities continue on upper level.Story time
5.30pm Family grouping with all rooms combining in the Jellyfish room.
6.00pm Centre Closes
Flashing Fish Older Babies Room
8.00am Centre opens- Family grouping in Starfish Room –  Free Play indoors
8.30am Flashing Fish transition into their room
Hand washing/ Toileting/ Nappy change if needed   (ratios maintained)
Morning Tea – ongoing until 9am – Milk to be offered.
8.55am Flashing Fish group time, Welcome song and stories, Language/Roll
Call,Sunsmart including sunscreen
9.00am Flashing Fish to transition outside. (Weather Permitting). If wet remain inside for free play activities.
10:15am Flashing Fish transition inside for Programmed Activities – Based around both child interest, and intentional teaching.
10.30am Whist children are playing, one teacher begins the nappy change/toileting routine.
10.50am Pack Away time. All children then have a planned language group, With an experience focusing on a current interest/developing skill.
11.00am Lunch – Children wash hands for lunch, children then sit at the table, and those who can help to serve their own lunches.
11.20am Flashing Fish group transition to bed (Those with bottles, have bottles on the mat).
11.40am Sleep and Rest time – provide quiet activities for non-sleepers
12.00 – 2pm Teachers lunches.
2.00pm Toileting/ Nappy change/ hand washing
Afternoon TeaMilk to be offered – As children finish afternoon tea, transition to mat for a planned Music experience and have their sunscreen applied
2.30pm Winter/Summer clothing and transition outside.
3.15pm Flashing Fish to transition inside for Craft, Music and Movement and free play.
4.00pm Supper Indoors in own room – Ongoing
4.15pm Toileting/ nappies / hand washing
4.30pm Free play continues within the Flashing Fish room, with activities based around interests shown by the children.
5:00pm Flashing Fish children pack away and then settle on the mat for a language group.
5.15pm Flashing Fish s to transition to Jellyfish Room for free play activities.
5.30pm Family grouping in Jellyfish room with all 4 rooms combined.
6.00pm Centre Closes
Terrific Turtles Toddlers Room
8.00am Centre opens- Family grouping in Starfish Room –  Free Play indoors
8.30am Flashing Fish children move into their room. Turtles and Starfish rooms continue grouping within the Starfish Room.
8.45am Combined Morning Welcome Group – Transition children to Hand washing
Morning Tea in individual rooms (Milk to be offered) – ongoing
9.15am Terrific Turtles Welcome Group – Roll Call/ Children decide upon daily activities.
9.30am Indoor Play Period – The children play indoors, with a variety of activities that are both child initiated, spontaneous and a part ofthe rooms Intentional teaching.
10:00am Sunscreen Applied, Children source their own hats, and jumpers from their bags (assistance provided where needed).
10.15am Turtles to transition outside.(Weather Permitting).

If wet remain inside for free play activities.

10.55am Language and Literacy Group – Children experience a group basedactivities around enhancing their language skills.
11.15am Children are transitioned to use the bathroom/wash their handsin preparation for lunch time.

Lunch is served with children assisting in the service and


11.30am Turtle group (2 Years and above) to go to bathroom for Tooth brushing and transition to bed.
11.45am Rest time – provide quiet activities for non-sleepers
11.45 – 1.45pm Teachers lunches
1.45pm Toileting/ Nappy change/ hand washing
2.00pm Afternoon Tea (Milk to be offered) – ongoing
As children finish afternoon tea, transition to mat for stories and sunscreen application.
2.20pm Music and Movement Lesson based around the development of musical concepts, and social skills
2:40pm Free play indoors with a variety of activities decided upon by both children and educators.
3.15pm Winter/Summer clothing and transition outside.
3.50pm Toileting/ nappies / hand washing
4.00pm Supper – Ongoing
4.15pm Munch and Move Program – completed outdoors in collaboration with Starfish.
4.30pm Turtles to transition indoors, and combine with Starfish in the Starfish room.
5.15pm Transition to Jiggling Jellyfish Room, for family grouping.
6.00pm Centre Closes
Sparkling Starfish Junior Preschool Room
8.00am Centre opensFamily grouping in Starfish Room for 2 years and older children

Free Play indoors

8.30am Flashing Fish separate into their own room, while Starfish andTurtles continue family grouping.
8.45am Combined Morning Welcome Group – Transition children to handwashing.
Morning Tea in individual rooms (Milk to be offered) – ongoing
9.10am Starfish Mat Time -Morning Welcome, Roll Call, Children decide upon daily activities.

Morning Language group.

9.30am Transition to programmed activities, these being both childinitiated and intentional teaching
9:50 am Children prepare for outside, children put on their sunscreen, andFind their hats, jumpers etc.
10.15am Starfish transition outdoors (weather permitting) forA variety of planned/spontaneous activities
11.10am Starfish transition for toileting/nappy change, hand washing
Lunch – Sparkling Starfish to Self Serve
11.40am Starfish Room group to go to bathroom for tooth brushing andtransition to mat for Show and Tell.
11.50am Rest time – provide quiet activities for non-sleepers
11:50-1:50pm Teachers Lunches
1:50pm Toileting, Nappy Change, hand washing.
2:00pm Afternoon Tea (Milk to be offered) – ongoing
As children finish afternoon, transition to the mat for PreschoolProgram
2:15pm Pre School Program – Focusing on a skill required for school eg:Letter Recognition, Sound Recognition, Numbers.

After preschool program sunscreen is applied.

2:45pm Transition to programmed activities, these being both childinitiated and intentional teaching.
3:15am Children prepare for outside, Children transition outside.
3.50pm Toileting/ nappies / hand washing
4.00pm Supper – Ongoing
4.15pm Munch and Move Program – completed outdoors in collaboration with Turtle room.
4.30pm Turtles and Starfish transition inside for a combined grouptime/free play
5.15pm Transition to Jiggling Jellyfish Room, for family grouping
6.00pm Centre Closes